Sometimes a financial emergency is simply unavoidable. No matter how hard you try and stay on top of your finances an unexpected bill or car repair can throw your plans off course. Taking out a […]
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Sometimes a financial emergency is simply unavoidable. No matter how hard you try and stay on top of your finances an unexpected bill or car repair can throw your plans off course. Taking out a […]
The cost of household bills rose by almost 10% in 2016. Compare the Market, found that in 2015 bills dropped by an estimated £180, but rose by almost £200 last year. Estimates say the average […]
If you’re looking for ‘payday loans UK’, you’ve come to the right place. Payday Loans are a form of short term credit which is usually repaid on the borrowers following pay date. Here at Mr Lender, […]
Every day, thousands of people apply for payday loans throughout the UK. In 2013 the industry was at its peak, with 10 million loans taken out that year (according to an overview of the trends […]
If you require a payday loan quickly and hassle free, you may choose to search for ‘quick loans‘ online, which will bring up a number of pages from various loan providers, all offering a variety […]
Payday loans for a week Most short term loan providers will offer a loan on a minimum two month basis, with monthly repayments lasting up to a year. While not all direct lenders will offer […]
Payday loans are a quick, convenient way to see you through to your next wage. They are usually ‘unsecured’ and require no collateral – making them an attractive financial solution. There are plenty of providers […]