Payday loans for a week Most short term loan providers will offer a loan on a minimum two month basis, with monthly repayments lasting up to a year. While not all direct lenders will offer […]
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Payday loans for a week Most short term loan providers will offer a loan on a minimum two month basis, with monthly repayments lasting up to a year. While not all direct lenders will offer […]
Payday loans are a quick, convenient way to see you through to your next wage. They are usually ‘unsecured’ and require no collateral – making them an attractive financial solution. There are plenty of providers […]
Short term loans, payday loans, instalment loans…? With so many different terms being used, it’s easy to understand how many people can get confused. As a responsible lender, we believe customers should have access to […]
Surely as a customer borrowing money you should only pay interest on what you owe at the time, right? So as you pay part of your loan off, you owe less, and the interest payable comes down accordingly. Why should you have to pay interest based on the whole amount you originally borrowed, even though you don’t owe that now?