Last minute Christmas gift ideas

Last minute christmas gift ideas by Mr Lender
Published: 20/12/2016 and written by Toni Hart

Christmas is now less than a week away. The decorations will most likely be up, the Christmas cards sent off in the post, and the turkey order placed. But if you’re running a little behind […]

Last minute bargains on Christmas food supplies

Christmas food supplies - UK bargains
Published: 16/12/2016 and written by J Bell

With just one week until Christmas Eve the countdown to the big day is ON! It’s time to start getting those supplies in to get you through the celebrations, and here at Mr Lender we’ve put […]

DIY Christmas Cards and Gift Wrapping

DIY Christmas cards and gift wrapping with Mr Lender
Published: 15/12/2016 and written by Toni Hart

Every year, billions of pounds are spent on gift wrap and Christmas cards – a vast majority of which will very quickly find its way to the bin. And, no doubt, you will still run […]

10 Must see Christmas trees in the UK

Must see Christmas Trees around the UK by Mr Lender
Published: 14/12/2016 and written by Toni Hart

Christmas is just around the corner, and what better way to kick off the Christmas celebrations than to gather the family, drink a mulled wine or four, and visit some of the best Christmas trees […]

National Rail: Save Money with the Family and Friends Railcard

Save on family days out with national rail family and friends railcard
Published: 13/12/2016 and written by J Bell

Christmas holidays can be full of fun times with the whole family – but they can become stressful. Especially when you’re forever having to fork out for travel, entry fees and souvenirs. Here at Mr […]

National Christmas Jumper Day 16th December

National Christmas Jumper Day by Mr Lender
Published: 12/12/2016 and written by Kia Blue

Friday December 16th is National Christmas Jumper Day It’s a day to throw on your wintry Fair Isle, jingle your bells, puff out your puds and celebrate your Santa’s. By donating £2 people everywhere will […]

Alternative ways to cook your turkey this Christmas

Published: 09/12/2016 and written by Kia Blue

Are you the designated chef for Christmas dinner this year? If so you may be happy to read some alternative recipes so your turkey isn’t the same old bird as last year. Gobble up our […]

National Brownie Day – Christmas inspired brownie recipes

national brownie day - christmas recipes by mr lender
Published: 08/12/2016 and written by Toni Hart

It’s National Brownie Day! And what better way to celebrate than with a batch of Christmas brownies. Warm, gooey, chocolatey goodness, full of a whole variety of different festive fruits and spices. Mr Lender, a UK […]

Protecting yourself against contactless card scammers

protecting yourself from contactless card scammers
Published: 08/12/2016 and written by J Bell

We all know the basic ways to protect ourselves from scammers and fraudsters; never share your password with anyone, don’t click dodgy links in emails and never ever respond to that ‘lawyer’ who’s discovered your […]

Top 10 Santa’s grottos in London

Published: 07/12/2016 and written by Toni Hart

It doesn’t get more magical and mysterious than Christmas as a kid. The thrill of waking up on Christmas Day to discover presents under the tree, bite marks in the mince pies, and an empty […]